Inspiration for your wedding, civil partnership or vow renewal 3 Ideas – 3 Venues – 3 Suppliers Ideas
Candles Candles are a popular decoration for weddings, as part of the décor, or part of the ceremony. Check with your venue whether lit candles are permitted; of course, many venue stylists use LED candles to great effect. A unity candle ritual is a beautiful symbolic demonstration of the joining of two lives and two families. A large pillar candle is flanked by two slim taper candles. Traditionally, the two taper candles are lit by the couple’s mothers (but it doesn’t have to be), and then the couple use these to light the large candle, to create a shared flame. Candles can be customised with your names, monogram, the date, and a design that matches your décor. If you’d like to incorporate other people, such as children, a display of tea lights in a heart or spiral looks pretty. For safety, it’s an idea to have a wooden splint and a small glass of water to hand. If you’re remembering a lost loved one, a candle is a touching way to incorporate them within your ceremony. It’s up to you whether you’d like to light the candle as part of your ceremony with a few words of remembrance and a pause for reflection, or simply to have it there as a guiding light throughout. Civil This word is used in different ways, and it can cause confusion. ‘Civil marriage’ or ‘civil partnership’ is the term used by registrars to refer to the legal registration of a couple’s relationship. It’s distinct from religious marriage, conducted by a recognised faith leader in a place of worship. Civil marriage is secular – the service cannot include religious content. Some couples may not have their preferred music or readings, if they are considered ‘religious’, but the lines are vague. E.g. Robbie Williams ‘Angels’ or Aretha Franklin’s ‘Say a Little Prayer’ may be permitted, but ‘Pie Jesu’ or ‘Ave Maria’ might not be - you need to discuss this with a registrar. So: LEGAL REGISTRATION, NO RELIGION PERMITTED ‘Civil celebrant’ means a celebrant not affiliated to any belief system or worldview, whether that is religious/spiritual, or a humanist organisation. Civil celebrants reflect the wishes of their clients; their personal beliefs are irrelevant. Whether a couple require an entirely secular wedding or vow renewal ceremony, or if they’d like some touches of faith – spiritual music playing, singing a hymn, or having a spiritual reading or poem, a civil celebrant will accommodate that. So: NO LEGAL REGISTRATION, ALL BELIEFS EMBRACED ‘Civil Ceremonies’ is a celebrant training company, that enables celebrants to achieve the only nationally recognised qualification for civil celebrants – the NOCN Diploma (it’s where I trained in weddings). A couple of other training providers offer this too. Cocktails Marriage is like a cocktail – different elements combine to make something unique. Mixed in the right combination, it’s the perfect recipe for a happy couple and a lush cocktail. Who doesn’t love a pretty cocktail or mocktail!? If you’re partial to them, they can be part of your ceremony too. Here are some ideas. Why not have…
Links: Venues - C Remember – a celebrant-led ceremony of any type can take place at any venue; it doesn’t have to be licensed for civil weddings/partnerships. Here are some venues for a Lincolnshire or Yorkshire wedding. Carlton Manor Hull Cave Castle Hotel Cleatham Hall Gainsborough Suppliers - C Chris Waud Photography Coates Couture Crosskills Florist
A Couples' Cornucopia: Ideas for Your Wedding 3 Ideas – 3 Venues – 3 Suppliers Each week the A-Z taster presents ideas for your wedding, civil partnership or vow renewal. Mini blogs of just 200 words introduce you to each idea. Up to 3 Venues and 3 Suppliers are featured each blog. As far as possible, these are local Lincolnshire businesses. A mix of established and new, large and small, traditional and alternative. Ideas
Barn Barn weddings surged in popularity about a dozen years ago, and no wonder. Airy, rustic surroundings with a warm and laid-back vibe, and plenty of room for guests. Barns are perfect for more relaxed ceremonies, and ideal for couples that wish to dispense with formality, and express a bit of personality. If you’ve not attended a barn wedding, it may conjure up images of guests seated in a circle on hay bales, chewing on straw, holding a pitchfork. That’s not usually the way it is, but there’s nothing to stop you having that if you’d like a farm-themed ceremony! Think exposed wooden beams, warm terracotta brickwork, draped greenery or bunting, romantic fairy lights – how gorgeous! People feel at ease in a charming barn, each with its unique character; whether hundreds of years old or built for purpose. The size of many barns means you may hold the ceremony and reception in the same room, and have more control over the decoration too. Some barn wedding venues are ‘blank slate’ and so you can create your own ambience – a perfect backdrop whether rolling with the romantic rustic theme, boho bride, cottage core, or chic contemporary with a casual feel. Blessing Couples sometimes contact me asking ‘It’s our anniversary soon. Do you offer something like a blessing?’ Yes, I do. An anniversary is the perfect occasion to reflect on your relationship – all those times you’ve been through together, the highs and lows, the adventures and the challenges, how you’ve grown and changed as individuals, and where you see yourselves heading now. Traditionally, a blessing is an invitation to ask for divine protection and favour. So, what is a celebrant-led blessing? It’s not legally binding, and not (usually) like a religious blessing, although you may have readings that reflect and honour your beliefs and traditions if you wish. It's an affirmation of your relationship, and any symbols that represent your commitment to one another. You may have a re-dedication over your wedding rings - perhaps because you have new rings if one was lost or no longer fits, or simply wish to make your promises once more. A ‘ring warming’ is a lovely way for your guests to bless your rings. You don’t have to be married to have a blessing ceremony; it’s a lovely way to mark any couples’ or family ceremony, or a life transition, especially when family & friends are present to also ‘give their blessing’ to you. Booking The first thing to be booked by a couple for their celebration is usually the venue, a year or two ahead. The earlier the better if you are using a place approved for civil marriage. With an unlicensed venue, you’ve more leeway, but it’s still recommended to put down a deposit as soon as you can. Having your ceremony at home or outdoors? Even more flexibility. Wait? You can have your ceremony anywhere? Yep. You can’t (at present - changes soon hopefully) REGISTER a MARRIAGE other than at a place of worship or a place licensed for registrar services. You can have your WEDDING CELEBRATION anywhere, subject to the owner’s permission. Unlicensed premises are often cheaper than licensed venues, and you’ll not pay hundreds of pounds extra for the registrars to attend. I’ve had couples swap venues, and change to a celebrant-led ceremony because it was more them. This is the beauty of celebrant-led weddings, civil partnerships and blessings or renewal of vows. Choose the place you *really* want for your ceremony, and have it led by your celebrant, your way. Ideally, book your celebrant around the same time as you book your venue. You might be disappointed if you leave it too late, so for venues and celebrants, book ASAP. Links: Venues: B Remember – a celebrant-led ceremony of any type can take place at any venue; it doesn’t have to be licensed for civil weddings/partnerships. Here are some venues for a Lincolnshire or Yorkshire wedding. Bardney Hall Blue Dragonfly Tearoom Bunny Hill Suppliers: B Bridal Reloved Caistor Brush and Pen As the A-Z omits numbers, instead of the second letter, here's a two: 2ofharps After frequently being met with blank looks when asked what I do professionally, I decided to make a video to explain what a celebrant is, and what I offer, so it's an 'infomercial' I suppose.
It was put together by the very patient guys at A-Z Promotions in Cleethorpes! Dx |
From DawnWelcome to the blog. Contact me if there's anything you'd like me to cover about celebrants, ceremonies (including weddings, namings, funerals) or related topics such a s vow writing, funeral planning etc. Archives
November 2024